Friday, February 13, 2009


I had my 39 week check-up today. Baby is doing well, I'm about 2-3cm dilated, which in all truth doesn't tell you much. I have an induction date that is set up for Feb. 24th, so I know there's a light at the end of the tunnel (even if it is 4 days post due date). Eliana came with me today and was such a good girl at the appt. She got a big smile on her face when she heard the baby's heart beat and when I sat up on the table again she said..."mommy's all better". Ben and I are both getting quite impatient with the waiting process, mostly because my back and hips have been a mess lately. I still have just about everyone who asks me my due date tell me "you're not big enough", my back begs to differ.
I recently got Eliana some "princesses" hair bands and she wanted her picture taken with them, she's so proud.


Duncan Family said...

you do look fantastic for being that close to your due date! Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well... She looks just like her mommy!