Friday, February 20, 2009

Fun Words

Like every child Eliana has some words that we make her say over and over again because we love the way she says them. Two of them are Octopus and Hospital. She actually let me record her this time, otherwise it's a fun two year old game :)

As for me, I'm still pregnant and the baby is due today. It doesn't look like he/she will be coming today. I had my final MD appt. before the induction date of Feb 24th. I am currently 3cm dilated, 70% effaced and the baby is at -1 station. All the numbers make it look like this little one will be coming soon, but I have a feeling he/she is going to wait until Tuesday. The most frustrating thing is that I have still been having some pretty intense contractions that just don't get consistent enough to put me into real labor. Although physically you feel like tired and exhausted I think the worst part about being "overdue" is the emotional part.


Laura @ live.laugh.photograph said...
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