Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Eliana was quite excited about the day. I took her to the Children's Museum this morning to have breakfast with Little Nutbrown Hare of the book Guess How Much I Love You. She shook his hand but he didn't get the hug that Curious George got. Unfortunately I had a pregnant mom moment and brought the camera and went to take a picture and realized that I didn't put the memory card back in the camera.

After Eliana's nap we took her to the mall and let her play in the play area where she ran into her friend Evan. After playtime we had our heartshaped pizza for supper. Here's a video of her saying Happy Valentine's Day and telling you who her Valentine is.

(Sorry about the sneezing and nose blowing, that's my dear husband)

As for me....I'm still pregnant. Ben and I were really praying we would have the baby today as we already have one holiday baby and Ben's mom's birthday was Valentine's Day. God didn't have it in his plans though. I just pray we won't have to wait until the 24th to have the baby.