Friday, September 26, 2008

Wonderful Day and Game

Ben and I spent some time downtown Milwaukee and ate at Mo's Irish Pub before the game.
We ran into a college friend of mine, her husband and son as they were waiting outside the stadium. Aaron took a picture for us outside the stadium. We've got another college friend/roommate get together scheduled for early November, but it was so nice to see them!
And of course we couldn't have seen a better game. With Ryan Braun hitting a walkoff grand slam! I've never heard Miller Park so loud. I must say that these are in my opinion the best seats we've had yet.
We also stopped at the Northwestern Publishing House and got Eliana the rest of her DVD set. I put a DVD in for her after diaper study this morning as she ate her morning snack. You can plainly see she was into it. A huge thanks to my mom who watched Eliana all day..... and late into the night as we didn't get home until 12:30AM. I don't know what we'd do without mom!