Sunday, September 7, 2008

Building For Kids (Children's Museum)

Today Ben and I took Eliana to the Children's Museum. Ellie of course had a great time and was pretty tired at bedtime.
One of Ellie's favorite spots was of course the book area.

Sitting with the Zebra. That's a squishy golfball in her mouth.

Building with blocks.
Watching the construction crane.
Being strapped in by daddy in the fire truck.

Playing in the dress-up area.Going down the slide.

Checking out the birds.
Playing in the water, you can tell in some of the other pictures that the little raincoat didn't completely prevent her from getting wet.
Putting the balls in the baskets.....
...and then waiting for them to pop out of the ceiling.


Anonymous said...

WOW! that looks like it would be
all kinds of fun.....Eliana is such
a smart, inquisitive, beautiful
little girl - but being my Great-
Great Niece I must be biased.

Luv you ALL
Gr. Aunt Gail in florida