Saturday, April 12, 2008

Poor Poor Baby

Eliana is once again not feeling well. We took my mom out to lunch and noticed that Eliana was feeling a little warm. This probably explains her 2 1/2 hour nap in the morning. She finally was playing more like herself yesterday evening, but today it's now 8:00 our time and she still hasn't said good morning to us. She's usually up making noise at 6:00am. I'm not sure, but this could be from her immunizations yet, side effects can occur for up to 3 weeks post shot. We are just praying for our little girl to be healthy again.

Here she is playing with the band aids she took off her legs after her Dr. appt last week.


Anonymous said...

Poor little Eliana will be herself
again in a few days - it's so sad
to see the little ones sick.
We will pray for her in Church


Gr. Aunt Gail in florida