Monday, June 30, 2008

Dr. Appt

Eliana had her 18 month Dr's appt. today. She did very well and ended up getting her Hep A and B injections. Her Dr. wished that all the 18 month old patients were like her because she sat still for him to check her out and did whatever she was asked! If it always worked that way at home.

Eliana is now 21lb 13 ounces. She has finally made it to the 12th percentile after not being on the chart for sooooo long. She is about in the 50th percentile for both her head circumference and length. She's doing very well.

On another note, Ben and I went with some other couples to Spring Green, WI yesterday to see the American Players Theatre. It was a great time. We had a picnic lunch that was all set for us when we got there and enjoyed hanging out with the other Pastors and their wives. The theatre is actually on a hill outdoors in the woods. I haven't been to anything like it and I hope we have the opportunity to go back again. We saw Shakespeare's A Midsummer's Night Dream. The only bad part of the whole trip is that we didn't get home until midnight, which is VERY late for Ben and me nowadays.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful little girl, I
don't care what percentile she is
in - she is perfect.
(by the way, Heather, not being
able to stay up late is just one
more sign of getting o__!
See you soon,

Gr. Aunt Gail in Florida

Duncan Family said...

she is catching up!

Laura @ live.laugh.photograph said...

she is so adorable!