Monday, October 6, 2008


If it has to do with her daddy.....she wants to play with it. She loves playing with his shoes and ties especially. I'm wondering if she'll ever be a mama's girl. It's hard to tell, but her shirt says, I'll always be a daddy's true!
Just a quick update. I got my ultrasound report back. Looks like I'll be needing another one in a couple months. My placenta is lying near, if not over my cervix which can lead to a condition called placenta previa. Because of this I'll have another ultrasound at 30 weeks. At that time we'll be able to determine where exactly the placenta is and if a c-section will be necessary. They were also not able to visualize our baby's bladder the greatest, it was probably the position of the baby at the time, so they'll look into that as well. We're both doing very well, except for headaches and bad Sciatic pain.