Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Rough Sunday

I took Eliana to early church and when we came home after changing clothes she very surprisingly fell asleep on my lap watching little Einsteins. This NEVER happens. So, I took her upstairs and after sleeping for 45 minutes or so she woke up crying. I brought her downstairs and nothing seemed to make her feel better she was sad and crying. Finally, she vomitted twice and didn't stop until about 5:45 tonight. Thankfully Ben was home after church and she went back and forth snuggling between the two of us. At first we thought she just had an upset stomach as she has had a cold for a week and has alot of nasal drainage, which ends up in her stomach. But, since she kept throwing up we knew it was more than just that. Our poor little girl still did not want to eat before going to sleep tonight. We pray she wakes up our healthy and happy little girl again.


Laura @ live.laugh.photograph said...

Man that sucks! I feel for you since I'm in the same boat right now. It's no fun watching them be sick and there isn't anything you can do about it.