Saturday, March 1, 2008

Grandma Update

Sorry for the lack of an update yesterday. I was very much under the weather. I had taken an antibiotic that didn't agree with me and was vomitting all afternoon. But, I've awoken a new woman. I'm so thankful Ben was around to watch Eliana.

Grandma is due to come home today. Yesterday she had a stress test for her heart. She now has a Hospitalist from Nigeria. A hospitalist is a physician that only works in the hospital, he has no clinic hours. It's good because all they do is take care of hospital patients, but the bad part is the continuity of care is decreased. There are still no results from either her kidney test or her stress test. Jason saw Grandma yesterday and asked her to walk in the hall with him, but had an excuse of something like "she was too tired, or didn't fee like it". She is still eating and drinking very little. We fear that it is a matter of time before she is back to the hospital again because she is dehydrated. No one really knows why she is not eating or drinking. She just says she has no appetite, which I can understand happens, but if you know eating and drinking will keep you from going to the hospital, wouldn't you eat and drink?

We are all praying this gets figured out because we can't have her falling at home. Mom can not be by her side 24/7, for that matter no one can even if we all took shifts. She has also shared her intention to begin watching Owen once she returns home again. We are all discouraging this because it's not safe for her or Owen.


Anonymous said...

Oh Heather, what a position to be
in. Your Grandma is just like your
great grandma.......It is becoming
harder and harder for your Mom to
cope with this.....Uncle Norm and
I keep your whole family in our

God Bless and Luv,

Gr. Aunt Gail in Florida