Saturday, November 8, 2008

Little Mommy

Eliana is becoming quite the little mommy. She loves to bring her baby to me and tell me that he's poopy. He wipes him clean and puts on a new diaper. She started using her play ironing board as a changing table :) Here she's entertaining her baby by reading her a book, after which she fed her baby. I'm sure she'll be just as much of a help with our new baby.
Eliana has also become quite a mommy's girl. Mom and I took Ellie shopping today and Ellie stayed with mom and shopped while I did a bit of shopping on my own. All of a sudden I could hear her crying from the other end of the store, "mommy, mommy". It came completely out of the blue. I'm not sure what's going on, but all she wants is me. She even cries when Ben or my mom gives her her bath at night, which is so unlike her. Many people have told me that maybe she knew I wasn't feeling well. Who knows?!?!?!
This too shall pass.


Laura @ live.laugh.photograph said...

That is too cute! Little teacher!

Anonymous said...

She is going to be a wonderful big
sister - I just know it!

Gr. Aunt Gail in Florida