Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Boo Bash

Mom and I on Tuesday took Eliana to the Boo Bash downtown Appleton. We ate dinner in the City Centre and then Ellie went trick or treating in the Children's Museum. She had a blast as you can tell (except for the picture where she's crying, she wasn't too fond of another kid's costume or something).

Later in the evening...or should I say early morning things got interesting. Ben was out of town in Minnesota and I had put Ellie to bed. I laid in bed and slowly had pain that started to build in my sternum and eventually wrapped around me to my back. I called mom and she ended up taking me to the ER while my grandma Shannon came over and sat at the house with Ellie. I finally got home from the ER around 3AM with a diagnosis of a gallbladder attack. Mom actually stayed with me Friday night as well, and of course I had another painful night, but decided not to go the ER. I haven't had any significant problems since, and had an ultrasound today to check my liver, gallbladder, and pancreas and the tech said she didn't see anything significant. So, now I'm left to wonder what did cause the pain and will it happen again in the future? We will still have another ultrasound of the baby in 5 more weeks as well.


Anonymous said...

Come on Heather - stop getting
these crazy hurting things! I am
personally putting you on our
prayer list at Church for expectant
Mommies. Love you all.

Gr. Aunt Gail in florida

Anonymous said...

Ellie looks like an adorable little
garden angel. She is so darn cute.
Take care guys - love you all much

Gr Aunt Gail in florida

Laura @ live.laugh.photograph said...

Man, I had those pains too. It started for me after Kylie was born. I would be up at night with that horrible frightening pain. I thought I was having a heart attack and it was so hard to breath. It would only last for a few minutes at first but once it progressed it was up to 30 minutes and even an hour at a time. I totally feel your pain!! I went to the Dr. and had to have my gall bladder removed asap. I felt so good after it was done. But man, do I remember that pain!

Also, if it is your gall bladder, try not eating spicy or greasy foods. That helped me when it first started! I hope it doesn't get worse!