I just got back from the Dr's office about an hour ago and I found out I have strep throat. I must say it's been a long time since I've had it. I was worried I was overreacting to the sore throat, but as the practitioner said you don't know unless you have the test done. I should be feeling better (and not contagious) in the next 48 hours. I am just praying I haven't already given it to Eliana or Ben.
Little Eliana decided she was going to leave the house. She had her purse/backpack and was trying to put on Ben's shoes. I guess the Noah from her Little People set in her left hand was going to be her GPS. If he can navigate through the flood (with God) he can take her through the neighborhood and of course to grandma's house.
She didn't get too far when she realized she can't turn the doorknob.
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