Friday, January 4, 2008

I've Been Tagged

Can't say I've ever been tagged, so here you go........

How long have you been together? It was just 5 years
How long did you date? Dated 11 months and engaged for 11 more
How old is he? 33
Who eats more? Ben
Who said I love you first? Ben came to my college apt. with a flower and told me he loved me (we had dated for like 4 or 5 months)
Who is taller? Ben, not by much though
Who sings better? Me, no doubt (not every Pastor can sing on key)
Who is smarter? It's a toss up, I'd say Ben is
Who does the laundry? I typically do it, but sometimes he gets to it before I do.
Who does the dishes? Ben, I cook he does the dishes
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me, Ben has to sleep by the door
Who pays the bills? Ben
Who mows the lawn? Usually Ben, sometimes church people
Who cooks dinner? Me
Who drives when you are together? Ben
Who is more stubborn? Me
Who kissed who first? he did
Who asked who out? hmmm....I'm not really sure, we just started hanging out, but I suppose he was the one to set a date out for dinner together
Who proposed? he did
Who is more sensitive? Me, for sure
Who has more friends? ???, We have probably the same amount, I just keep in touch with them more often
Who has more siblings? We have the same #
Who wears the pants in the family? We have a pretty equal relationship, but he is the "head" of our household.