We took Eliana to the Nurse Practitioner today as she woke up with a fever still. They swabbed her for influenza and did a chest x-ray for pneumonia, I'm doubting it's either of those. We will have to wait and see. Last night she refused to lie down, so I was concerned about her ears, but her ears look good. She woke up around 11:00pm and just screamed, so we went and rocked her and tried to put her down and she didn't like that one bit. We watched her in the video monitor and she eventually sat down, but didn't want to lie flat. You could see her little eyes opening and shutting as her little head bobbed up and down, side to side. She has literally been sick for a month (with the exception of a 3 day window, which is when she had her well baby check-up).
Here are a few pictures from when she was feeling better. She tried to take off her own pajamas, she unzipped them and got her arms out, but decided to stop there.
so hot having one her age on your lap hand in her pull ups i LOVE bbypussy
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